“My wish is to Provide the space for clients to explore their personal challenges offering hope to an often-misunderstood condition”

CBT for ADHD Course

 I have the unique experience of the complexities and issues that may arise with ADHD ,there are often emotional components of the condition that are rarely addressed or even acknowledged .

Counselling /Psychotherapy  for ADHD, with an experienced therapist may assist in recognising the unpleasant emotions commonly experienced by those with ADHD and unpack their often-negative view of themselves. The client’s feelings of low self-esteem, or difficulty in relationships and a general sense of failure may be understood if the therapist understands the difficulties. Dr Gabor Mate, widely recognized for his personal perspective on ADHD, has written about his experience as an ADHD adult. In his work Scattered Minds he describes feeling “the common theme on all days, good or bad, is a gnawing sense of having missed out on something important in life”.


I passionately believe that when we gain an understanding of the condition and how it affects your life is what will ultimately lead to a more accepting version of who you are. 

ADHD Services


I use Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for ADHD both through individualised one to one sessions and also in  online courses and workshops.

CBT for ADHD Course

Psychotherapy / Counselling

One to one, in person psychotherapy /counselling sessions for individuals with diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD. 

Online Therapy

Sometimes it is difficult to find a therapist with the specific qualifications and experience to deal with ADHD issues.  I hold a number of appointments every week for online consultations.  

The path to ADHD Diagnosis in Ireland

The validity and acceptance of ADHD in adults as a legitimate diagnosis is a relatively new development in the field of ADHD research and was only introduced in 1994 to the DSM-4, (The diagnostic and statistical manual used by healthcare professionals to diagnose certain conditions).The previous diagnostic criteria for ADHD, published in the DSM-3 in 1980, considered it to be a childhood condition (APA, 1980), so the inclusion of adults in the DSM-4 was welcomed.

Many people may identify with some of the symptoms of ADHD, we can all be impulsive, have poor memory and be hyperactive to some extent and this is the case with many of the psychiatric disorders. For example, everybody gets sad occasionally, yet not everybody receives a clinical diagnosis of depression. It is the degree to which a person experiences a chronic impairment and the impact on everyday life due to the severity of the symptoms that lead to a diagnosis of ADHD (Safren, Sprich, Perlman, & Otto, (2017).

ADHD Graphic Jane Hehir

“I hope you learn to appreciate how wonderful your neurodiversity is and how to harness it to positively impact both your life and the lives of those around you”

How do I start the process of seeking an Assessment?

  • I would suggest that your first port of call is with your GP as many psychiatrists require a GP referral.
  • To get an assessment publicly is very difficult so unfortunately privately is the quickest route however there is still a long waiting list.
  • I would suggest doing a little preparation before the initial meeting maybe noting down why you think you have ADHD? Why do you think you would meet the diagnostic criteria now? Can you remember what was it like growing up as a child for you?
  • ADHD is not something we just get, there are often indicators from childhood. Remember we don’t have to be the hyperactive child in the classroom, you may have been the daydreamer who looked like you were present, but your mind was off somewhere else.
  • An assessment is established on the history you provide, how long you have experienced the symptoms and the intensity of the symptoms. The Psychologist/Psychiatrist will carry out a fairly detailed assessment based on questions from your childhood to the present day .
  • Important to note that ADHD can affect all areas in a person’s life with the severity of symptoms and impairments ranging from mild and regulated to more severe and pervasive (Ramsay, 2019).
  • It may be worth considering this when seeking an assessment If you are assessed by a psychologist as having ADHD, medication is not available as part of your treatment plan, you must be assessed by a psychiatrist for this option. Sometimes your GP may continue a prescription initiated by a psychiatrist but only when this is prescribed by the psychiatrist. Stimulant medication is effective for about 70% to 80% of people with ADHD and is effective in increasing focus and decreasing distractibility. However, medication does not suddenly make you want to fill out your taxes! They are still difficult.

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    Podcast-What’s the story with ADHD Jane

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